Research Projects
Research Projects
Model Saliency & Deep Metric Learning
- “HSE: Hybrid Species Embedding for Deep Metric Learning,” International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023. [Accepted]
- “C2SPoint: A Classification-to-Saliency network for point cloud saliency detection,” Computers & Graphics, 2023. [Download]
- “A Unified Deep Metric Representation for Mesh Saliency Detection and Non-rigid Shape Matching,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2020. [Download]
- “Sparse Metric-based Mesh Saliency,” Neurocomputing, 2020. [Download]
- “Visual Saliency Guided Textured Model Simplification,” The Visual Computer, 2016. [Download]
- “Salient Region of Textured 3D Model,” Pacific Graphics (Poster Paper), 2010. [Download]
Graphics Modelling and Human Activity Learning
- “A Differential Diffusion Theory for Participating Media,” Computer Graphics Forum (special issue on Pacific Graphics ’23), 2023. [Conditionally Accepted]
- “A Mixed Reality Training System for Hand-Object Interaction in Simulated Microgravity Environments,” IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR 2023). [Conditionally Accepted]
- “Fg-T2M: Fine-Grained Text-Driven Human Motion Generation via Diffusion Model,” International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023. [Accepted]
- “A Video-Based Augmented Reality System for Human-in-the-Loop Muscle Strength Assessment of Juvenile Dermatomyositis,” IEEE VR 2023 (Published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)). [Download]
- “PointHGN: Point Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Point Cloud Learning,” IEEE ICME 2023 Workshop on 3D Multimedia Analytics, Search and Generation. [Accepted]
- “Geometric Features Informed Multi-person Human-object Interaction Recognition in Videos,” ECCV 2022. [Download]
- “Distillation of Human-Object Interaction Contexts for Action Recognition,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CGI 2022 special issue). [Download]
- “STIT: Spatio-Temporal Interaction Transformers for Human-Object Interaction Recognition in Videos,” International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022). [Download]
- “STGAE: Spatial-Temporal Graph Auto-Encoder for Hand Motion Denoising,” IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR 2021). [Download] [Video]
- “Stable Hand Pose Estimation under Tremor via Graph Neural Network,” IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2021). [Download] [Video]
- “Motion-aware Compression and Transmission of Mesh Animation Sequences,” ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2019. [Download]
- “Compressed Dynamic Mesh Sequence for Progressive Streaming,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2018. [Download]
- “Feature-varying skeletonization – Intuitive control over the target feature size and output skeleton topology,” The Visual Computer, 2012. [Download]
- “Game-On-Demand: An Online Game Engine based on Geometry Streaming,” ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 2011. [Download]
- “A Trajectory-Preserving Synchronization Method for Collaborative Visualization,” IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2006. [Download]
- “VSculpt: A Distributed Virtual Sculpting Environment for Collaborative Design,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2003. [Download]
- “Real-Time Rendering of Deformable Parametric Free-Form Surfaces,” ACM VRST, 1999. [PDF]
- “Interactive Rendering of Deforming NURBS Surfaces,” Computer Graphics Forum (special issue on Eurographics ’97), 1997. [PDF]
Remote Rendering and Perceptual Quality Assessment
- “Perceptual Quality Assessment on DIBR Synthesized Videos with Composite Distortions,” IEEE ICIP ‘2020. [Download]
- “Deep Blind Synthesized Image Quality Assessment with Contextual Multi-level Feature Pooling,” IEEE ICIP ‘2019. [Download]
- “No-Reference Synthesized Image Quality Assessment with Convolutional Neural Network and Local Image Saliency,” Computational Visual Media, 2019. [Download]
- “Scalable Remote Rendering using Synthesized Image Quality Assessment,” IEEE Access, 2018. [Download]
- “DOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an Image,” ACCV 2018 (Oral Paper), arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.03772, Dec. 2018. [Link]
Cloud Modeling
- “Cumuliform Cloud Formation Control using Parameter-Predicting Convolutional Neural Network,” Graphical Models, 2020. [Download]
- “Target-Driven Cloud Evolution using Position-Based Fluids,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2020. [Download]
- “Modeling Detailed Cloud Scene from Multi-source Images,” Pacific Graphics 2018 (Short Paper) [Download]
- “Modeling Cumulus Cloud Scenes from High-resolution Satellite Images,” Computer Graphics Forum, 2017. [Download]
Visual Aesthetics: Coloring and Beautification
- “DrawGAN: Multi-view Generative Model Inspired By The Artist’s Drawing Method,” Computer Graphics International (CGI), 2023. [Accepted]
- “Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer,” International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2023. [Download]
- “Aesthetic Enhancement via Color Area and Location Awareness,” Pacific Graphics 2022. [Download]
- “IAACS: Image Aesthetic Assessment Through Color Composition And Space Formation,” Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware Journal (CGI 2022 special issue). [Download]
- “Facial Reshaping Operator for Controllable Face Beautification,” Expert Systems with Applications, 2020. [Download]
- “Example-Based Image Recoloring in an Indoor Environment,” Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2020. [Download]
- “A Color-Pair Based Approach for Accurate Color Harmony Estimation,” Computer Graphics Forum, 2019. [Download]
- “Image Recoloring For Home Scene,” ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI ’18), 2018. [Download]
Student Performance Analytics
- “Study on Student Performance Estimation, Student Progress Analysis, and Student Potential Prediction based on Data Mining,” Computers & Education, 2018. [Download]
- “Failure Rates in Introductory Programming Revisited,” ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), 2014. (Best Paper Award) [Download]
* This paper is recommended to computer science faulty by Online Computing Reviews Service. - “No Tests Required: Comparing Traditional and Dynamic Predictors of Programming Success,” ACM SIGCSE 2014, 2014. [Download]
- “Predicting Performance in an Introductory Programming Course by Logging and Analyzing Student Programming Behavior,” IEEE Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2013. (Outstanding Paper Award) [Download]
- “BlueFix: Using Crowd-Sourced Feedback to Support Programming Students in Error Diagnosis and Repair,” International Conference on Web-based Learning, 2012. [Download]
Educational Technologies
- “Gamifying Experiential Learning Theory,” International Conference on Web-based Learning, 2022. [Download]
- “A Fine-Grained Outcome-based Learning Path Model,” IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2014. [Download]
- “Recent Development in Multimedia e-Learning Technologies,” World Wide Web, 2014. [Download]
- “Game-Based Concept Visualization for Learning Programming,” ACM Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for Distance Learning , 2011. [Download]
- “A Pedagogical Interface for Authoring Adaptive e-Learning Courses,” ACM Multimedia technologies for distance learning, 2010. [Download]
- “Learning Programming Languages through Corrective Feedback and Concept Visualisation,” International Conference on Web-based Learning, 2011. [Download]
- “An Open Model for Learning Path Construction,” International Conference on Web-based Learning, 2010.
(ICWL 2010 Best Student Paper Award) [Download] - “A Three-Tier Profiling Framework for Adaptive e-Learning,” International Conference on Web-based Learning , 2009. [Download]
- “Technology Supports for Distributed and Collaborative Learning over the Internet,” ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) , 2008. [Download]
Papers published from supervised undergraduate projects
- “WaveMix – A Multi-Task Neural Architecture for Music Performance Extraction,” WiML Workshop at ICML 2020.
- “A Pedagogical Interface for Authoring Adaptive e-Learning Courses,” ACM Multimedia technologies for distance learning, 2010. [Download]