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Frederick Woon-Bor Li

B.A. (Hons.), M.Phil., Ph.D. University of Durham
Associate Professor in Computer Science • Chair of the Undergraduate Board of Examiners

Research Interests : Computer Graphics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Geometric Modelling and Processing, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Visual Aesthetics, Educational Technologies.

Member of : Centre for Vision and Visual Cognition, Vision, Imaging and Visualisation in Durham (VIViD) and Artificial Intelligence and Human Systems Group (AIHS).

Research Publications : My Google Scholar Profile
Research Outputs on Durham Research Online (DRO)

Frederick Li received both a Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Computing Studies and a Master of Philosophy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Graphics from City University of Hong Kong. He is currently an Associate Professor at University of Durham. Prior to the current appointment, he was an Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2003 to 2006, and had been the project manger of a Hong Kong Government Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) funded project.

Frederick Li is currently an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Education (Digital Education) and an Editorial Board Member of Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware. He has served as an Associate Editor of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies and a Guest Editor of three of its special issues. He has also served as a Conference Co-chair of ICWL 2022, Program Co-chair of ISVC 2021, ICWL 2015/2013/2008/2007 and IDET 2008-2009. In addition, he has served as a a Poster & Demo Track Co-Chair of EDM 2022, a Workshop Co-chair of ICWL 2009 and U-Media 2009, a Publicity Co-Chair of ACM MTDL 2010 and U-Media 2010, and a Local Co-Chair of BMVC 2018.

Departmental and Faculty Duties: Frederick Li is currently the Chair of Board of Examiners for CS Undergraduate Programmes. He has served as Chair of Board of Examiners of both UG Programmes (CS) and PGT Programmes (Faculty of Science), PGT Programme Director (CS), and Chair of Taught Postgraduate Management Committee (CS and Engineering).

External Appointment: Lead External Examiner for a taught MSc programme in Northumbria University (2022-2026). Member of EPSRC Peer Review College (since 2024).

Recent Achievements:
[January 2025]: A paper on 3D Data Augmentation and Dual-Branch model for Robust Face Forgery Detection is accepted by Graphical Models Journal.
[December 2024]: A paper on Multi-modal Dynamic Point Cloud Geometric Compression is accepted by ICASSP 2025.
[November 2024]: Awarded an Outstanding Reviewer of BMVC 2024.
[August 2024]: ST-SACLF: Style Transfer Informed Self-Attention Classifier for Bias-Aware Painting Classification is accepted as a book chapter in Communications in Computer and Information Science.
[July 2024]: A Continual Action Quality Assessment paper is accepted by ECCV’2024 (Oral Paper).
[June 2024]: A Multi-Person Human-Object Interaction paper is accepted by ICPR’2024.
[May 2024]: A paper on Color Theme Evaluation through User Preference Modeling is accepted by ACM Trans on Applied Perception.
[April 2024]: A Multi-Style Cartoonization paper is accepted by CASA’2024 and is published in Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW) Journal.
[March 2024]: A Monocular Depth Estimation paper is accepted by CGI’2024 and will be published in The Visual Computer Journal.
[March 2024]: My paper on Human-Object Interaction Recognition through knowledge distillation has been recognised as one of the most downloaded paper by CAVW from Wiley (during its first 12 months of publication between Jan.-Dec. 2022).
[March 2024]: Become a member of EPSRC Peer Review College.
[January 2024]: An IEEE TVCG paper on Laplacian Projection Based Global Physical Prior Smoke Reconstruction is accepted.
[November 2023]: My research work on Gamifying Experiential Learning Theory is publicising on the Latest Durham University News.
[November 2023]: An IEEE TVCG paper on Multi-Task Spatial-Temporal Graph Auto-Encoder for Hand Motion Denoising is accepted.
[August 2023]: A full Pacific Graphics paper on Diffusion Theory for Participating Media is accepted.
[August 2023]: A Displays Journal paper on Point Cloud Geometry Compression is accepted.
[August 2023]: A Computational Visual Media Journal paper on Normalizing Flow based on Wavelet-Domain for Super-Resolution is accepted.
[August 2023]: An ISMAR paper on Hand-Object Interaction in Simulated Microgravity Environments is accepted.
[July 2023]: Two ICCV papers (on Text-to-Motion and Deep Metric Learning) are accepted.
[July 2023]: A Computers & Graphics paper on Point Cloud Saliency Detection is accepted.
[June 2023]: Two of my educational technology papers are ranked as the 1st and 15th most cited papers per year since their publications among all computing education papers in the UK & Ireland, according to a recent scientometric analysis in 2023. [Paper ranked 1st] [Paper ranked 15th]

Publication Opportunities:

Special Issue in MDPI Applied Sciences (IF=2.7) – “Advances in Computer Vision and Semantic Segmentation (2nd Edition)“; Submit by 20 August 2024.

Special Issue in MDPI Sensors (IF=3.847) – “Connecting Data, People, and Artificial Intelligence toward Smart and Personalized Healthcare“; Submit by 31 May 2024.

ICWL 2022 – best papers will be invited for submitting their extensions to a special issue in MDPI Electronics (IF=2.690) for possible publication (Closed).